About Us

Organize less yourself and cook more together!

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Darius is studying a second Masters, in Berlin, since he felt that one Masters degree was not enough. He is proud of this. Unfortunately though, the debt the first degree gave him did not dissuade him from continuing studying and accruing more debt. Like his evident avian interest in his profile picture, this realisation will one day hit him and he will land with a bit of a bump. But for now, he is enjoying his role as chief English content writer for Froodini. He also wrote this about himself in the third person.


Oliver is an entrepreneur with a keen interest in cooking, discovering, and website-building. Despite these varied hobbies and his keen intelligence, it somehow took him until he was 32 to combine these interests and create Froodini. However, as his own boss, he is now living the life he wants and is hoping to share with others how easily food planning can be done. As testimony of how creative and impulsive he is, he goes by shortened and cool form of his name, ‘Oli’.