Thanksgiving Potluck – how to organise, ideas and sign up sheet

Organising the best Thanksgiving Potluck

Making a potluck when it is Thanksgiving is probably one of the easiest potlucks to host. Why? Well, let us explain. When late November rolls around, people are already very much in the mood for celebrating and feasting, as of course they should be. What this means, is that everybody is already expecting there to be food around, and so organising Thanksgiving into your very own personalised version of the day couldn’t be easier! With everyone already expecting lots of tasty dishes, you are assured to receive no complaints if you offer to host a potluck. (Equally, and we say this just to be completely fair, we also doubt you’d say no if you are invited to a Thanksgiving Potluck!)

Depending on how many people you invite, it is extremely important to remember the weather! We have all known it happen before: you make the best food, the patio is clean, and the house is sparkling – you even have the deckchairs out when the guests arrive. But then – boom – the clouds open and the barbeque which you been preparing is soaked in a matter of seconds. It not only puts a dampener on the mood, but on any food which was outside too! Therefore, Froodini recommends that you take the following precautions. Unless you live in an area where it simply doesn’t rain (the desert?), make sure you have cover outside, or space inside! Very few people will be happy if they feel couped up, so attending to space factors and being sure to set a maximum limit on the number of ‘plus 1s’ that people can invite is very important.

Apart from this, there is actually very little you need to do to make sure things run smoothly! Making sure that there is good coordination between the guests so that the same dish does not appear more than once is always a good place to start, as is answering any questions. If your guests plan on bringing their offspring with them, then make sure that your house is child-friendly! This means, depending on the age group, that there should be no sharp knives to hand, and that allocating a dedicated room where children can hide and keep out of the way is also always wise! If the children are older, then ‘concealing’ certain alcoholic beverages might also be prudent, however it might also not fruitless!

The Best Potluck Ideas for Thanksgiving

The most traditional dish of any Thanksgiving is of course a turkey, however, this is what everyone will think of! This is why communication is always important. As lovely as turkeys can be, you don’t want to be presented with a whole posse of them! (Yes, according to Google, this is apparently the correct word for a group of turkeys.) To combat this we have two ideas. What we recommend is that a few of your guests are instructed to bring along their favourite stuffings, which will ensure a unique flavour to the turkey. This way, not only will everyone hopefully taste something new, but they will also appreciate a homemade touch as well.

But suppose some of the guests are vegetarian? If this is the case, or if some guests simply do not like turkey, then there are of course other options. One of our favourites for this is customisable veggie burgers. Instead of making veggie burgers and then laying them out for everyone to feast upon, why not give your guests even more choice by laying out bread rolls and fillings all next to each other? By doing this, guests can not only choose what they want inside their burgers, but they can also choose how they want the fillings to taste – cooked or uncooked, salted or unsalted. The more you can prepare and make at home, the more impressed and envious all the other guests will be!

What should I write in the Potluck Thanksgiving Sign Up Sheet?

Your Thanksgiving Potluck invitation wording (that’s a mouthful before you even get to the food!) is of course important. Too long and people will get bored, and too short and they will think you don’t care. Also, unless you have astoundingly good handwriting, we recommend that you create something printable as this can often be more legible! A PDF, for example, is never a bad place to start. Aside from this, remember to encourage the guests to keep in contact with each other, as we have already mentioned, and try not to live too far away from anybody! After all, nobody wants to drive home with the world’s most full-feeling stomach.

Suggestions and Ideas for a Potluck Thanksgiving for work

Thanksgiving is a time where everyone comes together and is social, which is exactly the reason why it is about seeing your best friends and favourite family members, as well as meeting new people. Inviting work colleagues along is always fun, because they will meet your family and finally understand why you are as crazy as you are! If you are considering inviting work colleagues, then making a list for work is also important – warning people of how… ‘unique’ your family and its traditions are is usually no bad idea!