Potluck Halloween – Food ideas, sign up sheet and for work

Potluck Halloween Ideas

Whenever Halloween (or Hallowe’en, if you want to be really precise) comes around, it’s important that the food you eat does not exclusively consist of sweets! Indeed, if it is your children who have gathered the sweets, then eating their collection would definitely not be appreciated. Equally, having the children eat only sweets for an evening might lead to that level of hyperactivity which you could regret. To combat this, make a Halloween Potluck! This is the best of all worlds. Not only do you guarantee some tasty and healthy food to counter any sugary treats brought back, but you also get a helping hand from other parents in managing all the children roaming around! This way both the children and the adults will have an enjoyable evening.

But of course, this is specific only to certain circumstances – what if the children trick or treating are not so much children any more, but teenagers, who might not wish to dine with their parents? In this case, this is again not a problem. With the kids out of the house, this is still a perfect time to enjoy a potluck with anyone you wish! Of course, it is still expected to be Halloween-themed, but now, child-minding responsibilities may be put to one side. For one evening at least.

This takes us onto to what ideas we should be incorporating into a Halloween Potluck – namely, which Halloween Potluck food ideas we should consider. Adding a ghoulish touch to any dish requires a level of ingenuity, but luckily, we at Froodini have got you covered. Pastry, whether used in a main dish or for a dessert is perfect for a Halloween Potluck. Why? Well, if you are wanting to use it for a main course, for instance in a pot pie, then all you need to do to the pastry before baking it is to make one or two ghostly engravings (see what we did there?). Etching some freaky figures and blurry forms onto the pastry will add a subtle Halloween theme, ready to be eaten and appreciated by everyone.

Now, one thing which we have to mention at this point is the desserts. Did you think that trick or treating would suffice? Definitely not. This is why, for any good Halloween Potluck, somebody needs to be assigned to cater for desserts as well. Desserts make for the easiest, and the most decorative foods to bring along, thanks to two main things: icing, and food colouring. Cupcakes become instantly halloween-themed once they are adorned with the delicate markings of a spider’s web. Have some white icing to spare? Enjoy drawing your very own creepy spectres on the cookies which have just come out of the oven. As we like to think at Froodini: this Potluck contribution will be seen last, being a dessert, but appreciated most!

The best Food for a Potluck Halloween

Associating the words ‘food’ and ‘Halloween’ with each other might seem like a bit of a stretch when you consider just how many sweeties are consumed in this season, however this does not have to be the case! As we have already tried to show, sweets do not need to be the sole ‘food’ you eat. Halloween, falling late in the year, often arrives at the time the nights are starting to draw in, which means that eating some heavier foods might seem more appropriate for the time of year. Because of this, here are Froodini’s top three recommendations for what you should bring along to a Halloween Potluck.

1. Pumpkin soup!

This is surely one of the best Halloween Potluck foods! You already have the pumpkins, so why waste the leftovers? By rustling up a quick pumpkin soup, you’re guaranteeing an easy and quick meal perfect for Halloween.

2. Home-made Punch

If you’re assigned to the drinks, then making this blood-red drink could not be more appropriate. What’s more, its rich flavour is sure to make you feel warm on the inside.

3. Graveyard Mushroom Pizza

For this, all you need is a normal pizza, and then simply add some mushrooms. The trick? Slice the mushroom first, and then modify each slice to make the shape of a gravestone! Thematic and tasty.

Making a Sign Up Sheet for your Halloween Potluck

For your Potluck Halloween sign up sheet, you can definitely go to town when decorating it! For instance, who is going to believe that you will throw a kick-ass Halloween Potluck when there aren’t any illustrations or pictures on your sign up sheet?! Spiders’ Webs in the corners, a smoky background… And this is before we even come to the wording! As with any potluck sign up sheet, guests need to know what who is bringing what, so it is important tha your guests know what they are signing up for. Allowing them to put their names next to, for example, ‘desserts’ and ‘mains’ is a perfect staty. After that, simply make sure nothing gets duplicated and the job is done.

Organising a Potluck Halloween for Work

While we have mainly focused on Halloween Potlucks involving children thus far, this is not by any means the only kind of Halloween Potluck you can host. Indeed, inviting work colleagues over is also  traditional in many workplaces. How does this differ? Well, apart from a greater representation on the part of punch and sangria, not so much! Nobody has ever claimed that adults won’t also snack on sweets, least of all us at Froodini HQ. So apart from maybe a slightly toned-down invitation card, all you need to do for your work-based Halloween Potluck is start preparing!